Never Again

NEVER AGAIN? No, it isn't the end of Maher IVS Ventriloquist Radio. Nor the I.V.S. Nor Maher Studios. So what do we mean by "Never Again"? Find out! Don’t have time to listen now? Download this episode to your computer, tablet or phone and listen on the...

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What do you do if? Emergencies happen. How you handle them reflects on you as a person and an entertainer. Today, Mark & Tom discuss emergencies - will Ken be with us? Listen and find out. Don’t have time to listen now? Download this episode to your...

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Working With Other Acts

Have you ever worked with another act? How do you behave? How do they behave? Does everyone respect each other and create a great show? Or do people act like divas, hog stage time and leave others feeling upset? Which one are you? Are you sure? Today's episode offers...

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Vent Ethics

Today we discuss vent ethics. In truth, some of these apply to anyone who appears on stage in front of an audience. They are important things to remember though. You'll enjoy this episode, especially Ken's take on the issue which left Mark and I talking. ...

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How Far Is Too Far?

How far is too far with an adult audience? Where do you draw the line? Is there one? This is an interesting conversation on a topic everyone who entertains adults will enjoy. Don’t have time to listen now? Download this episode to your computer, tablet or...

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Learn Ventriloquism at The Complete Idiots Guide To Ventriloquism Jeff Dunham: Unhinged In Hollywood Jeff Dunham: All By My Selves So You Want To Be A Ventriloquist

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    International Ventriloquist Society
    c/o Maher Studios
    P.O. Box 2131
    Westminster, MD. 21158

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